History of Jihad Against the British (1850-Present)

The Muslim a threat to civilized life in Britain. _____________________________________________ Describing a ceremony for collection of the jizya, the 13th century Shafi’i jurist an-Nawawi writes: "The infidel who wishes to pay his poll tax must be treated...

The Jihad Against America (2001-Present)

The Root causes why America was attacked on 9/11 by the Jihadis. _____________________________________________ Al-Mawardi (d. 1058), a renowned jurist of Baghdad, in The Laws of Islamic Governance states the critical connection between jihad and payment of the jizya....

History of Jihad Against Israel (1948-Present)

Israel is the sentinel of Civilization facing the wild frontier of Islam. The survival of Israel and the destruction of Israel’s enemies is the first requirement if we are to defeat the Islamic Jihad. ________________________________________ Al-Mawardi (d....

History of Jihad Against the Austrians (1500-1683)

How the Jihad nearly overran Austria in 1683, threatening the Islamization of Europe. But in 1683 the Day was carried by Jan Sobeiski the Christian Braveheart from Poland who saved Austria and Europe from Islam. __________________________________________ Mahathir...

History of Jihad Against the Hungarians (1526-1683)

How the Hungarians stubbornly fought back the Turks for two centuries, saving Austria, Prussia and Poland from the Islamic Jihad. __________________________________________ Al-Mawardi (d. 1058), a renowned jurist of Baghdad, in "The Laws of Islamic...