Its now May 22, 2011. I am gone. I am probably dead as I was not a follower of Harold Camping and I didn’t believe that Jesus would return on May 21, 2011. If I am still alive, I probably have no access to a computer. Harold Camping was a true...
Here is a great quote from Charles Spurgeon on evangelism. I pray the Holy Spirit gives us this kind of conviction for reaching the lost with the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And...
As many Americans no doubt have heard, the rapture of the Church was to happen on this day at 6PM, Eastern Standard Time, according to Harold Egbert Camping, president of Family Radio — a prediction that he made as well in 1992 for the year 1994 (link). In the...
My Calvinist brethren Matt Slick wrote the following article about inerrancy and the subject of the original texts. I believe it is worth reprinting here.If we don’t have the original biblical documents, but only possess copies (that have copyist errors),...
Here are a few helpful articles on inerrancy as well as books I recommend on the doctrine of inerrancy. John Frame “Is The Bible Inerrant?”David Wayne “Evangelicalism and Inerrancy”James White “Inspiration, Inerrancy,...
Justin Martyr (c. 100-165), mentor to Tatian, was born in Samaria and studied “in the schools of the philosophers [Socrates and Plato],”1 but was impressed with the lack of fear of death among Christians, so much so that he became a Christian. He is known...