from The Arminian site

According to The Oxford American College Dictionary, the word reprehensible means “deserving censure or condemnation.” While there are aspects regarding Calvinism which are orthodox, overall I find its analysis of God’s character, and at times actions or decisions attributed to Him by some forms of the system, to be both worthy of censure and condemnation.

In view of Calvinism’s many errors, there are three primary doctrines which warrant “censure and condemnation.” Those three are supralapsarianism, infralapsarianism, and the Calvinist’s distorted view of God’s sovereignty. Though I have little to no sympathy for Open Theism, using John Piper’s words in response to that system demonstrates my own thoughts regarding those three errors of Calvinism: They “dishonor God, distort Scripture, damage faith, and would, if left unchecked, destroy churches and lives. Its errors are not peripheral but central.”

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