Learn to Teach
The Book of Revelation

How would you like to teach or just learn the Book of Revelation? Charles Cooper will be teaching the book of Revelation via the Internet. Students taking the class will need internet service, speakers, and a microphone hooked to their computer to take the class. Students will be able to ask questions, learn and share their experiences with others from around the world.

Students in the class will receive:

1) A teacher’s guide
2) A power-point presentation
3) Step-by-step classroom instruction with Q&A.
4) Revelation Illustrated by Pat Marvenko Smith

The cost $175.00.
(Students can pay in three INSTALLMENTS if necessary)
($75 to register; $50 at beginning of class; $50 at end of class)

The time and date of the class will be determined by the students taking the class.

If this sounds like something you would like to do, please drop an email message to me at contactprewrath@gmail.com to indicate your interest in this class. If enough people indicate a desire to take the class, we will schedule it and let you know the next step.

Charles Cooper

© 2010, Matt. All rights reserved.
