Below are several Charts and Graphics that show the different rapture positions and will help you to understand the Pre-Wrath Rapture better. Some are from the Prewrath book "The Sign" and a few are from the Google Prewrath Group. You can view larger versions of each by clicking on the small pics. (Some of your web browsers may not open the full size pics to their "full" size. If you see a "magnifying glass" when you move your mouse cursor over the full size pics, click and the picture will be displayed full size in your browser. This will improve the quality of the charts).
From The Sign

Charts from The Google Prewrath Group.
© 2009 – 2011, Matt. All rights reserved.
The Lord led me twice to books on the Pre Wrath rapture.
Man lies but God does not lie so I believe God.
Great work, fight the deception, we are in the last days.
Praise the Lord.
I have couple of the The sign books…and I’ve been teaching it in our Adult endtime bible study..and I’ve been looking for something like that that i can use to put up on an projector..this is fantastic…keep adding more…thanks..your brother