Mormonism, Jesus, Satan and the Presidential Elections!

Recently there was a "dust up" when Mike Huckabee stated he thought the Mormon Church (LDS – Latter Day Saints) taught that Jesus and Satan were brothers. People were quick to say that Hucabee was wrong in what he said and quickly defended Romney.

Hearing folks "sparring" on this issue resulted in my doing some research of my own to see what the Mormon Church really believes. I’ll briefly state what I found. Then the rest of this article will show some direct quotes from the Official Mormon (LDS) website incase anyone wants to look it up for themselves. I will also briefly contrast the Mormon beliefs with what Christians have believed down through the centuries.

1. First The Mormons DO believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers. They also believe though that we all are brothers.

Christianity teaches that The Trinity has existed forever and before time. Jesus is God, an uncreated being who has always existed. The Mormon Church teaches that Jesus was created… just as we were. While Jesus is the "first born," we are as much God’s sons as He is. Jesus was Satan’s older brother according to the Mormon Church. (Christians would say that Jesus is God, uncreated, while Satan was just an angel, a created being).

Mormonism teaches that the "Heavenly Father" decided to choose Jesus to be the Savior of the World instead of Satan (Satan– Lucifer also had volunteered to be savior). When Satan was turned down for being savior, only then did he rebel against God and was finally thrown out of heaven.

Christianity teaches Jesus is God. Mormonism teaches he is only a created being, a true brother of Satan (in fact, they teach YOU are a bother of Satan…).

To Sum it up, Mormonism rejects almost every single Christian belief that has been strongly held for hundreds of years. Below are some definitions, then some direct quotes and links to the official Mormon (LDS) website.

Spirits Non-material beings allegedly procreated in the pre-existence by God the Father and his wife. Jesus Christ (and even we ourselves) was supposedly born and raised to maturity as a spirit before coming into a body on this earth. The spirit of Satan was also procreated in this way. This makes Satan and Jesus Christ spirit brothers. Jesus selected a righteous path; Satan selected the opposite.

Farkas, J. R., & Reed, D., A. (1997, c1995). Mormonism : Changes, contradictions, and errors (electronic ed.) (25). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Pre-existence The Mormon teaching that our spirits (Mormons and non-Mormons) were procreated in a premortal life by God the Father and our Mother in Heaven, that our spirits were born and raised to maturity before coming to earth to obtain physical bodies, and that the spirit of Jesus Christ was the first one born to our heavenly parents.

Farkas, J. R., & Reed, D., A. (1997, c1995). Mormonism : Changes, contradictions, and errors (electronic ed.) (24). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

Spirits Non-material beings allegedly procreated in the pre-existence by God the Father and his wife. Jesus Christ (and even we ourselves) was supposedly born and raised to maturity as a spirit before coming into a body on this earth. The spirit of Satan was also procreated in this way. This makes Satan and Jesus Christ spirit brothers. Jesus selected a righteous path; Satan selected the opposite.

Farkas, J. R., & Reed, D., A. (1997, c1995). Mormonism : Changes, contradictions, and errors (electronic ed.) (25). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House

Caution: the Following quotes are from the LDS website. These are NOT Christian beliefs… be wary.

The Following Article is taken Directly from the Official LDS (Mormon) website:

How can Jesus and Lucifer be spirit brothers when their characters and purposes are so utterly opposed?

Jess L. Christensen, "I Have a Question," Ensign, June 1986, 25-26

Jess L. Christensen, Institute of Religion director at Utah State University, Logan, Utah. On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers. Jesus Christ was with the Father from the beginning. Lucifer, too, was an angel "who was in authority in the presence of God," a "son of the morning." (See Isa. 14:12; D&C 76:25-27.) Both Jesus and Lucifer were strong leaders with great knowledge and influence. But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)

How could two such great spirits become so totally opposite? The answer lies in the principle of agency, which has existed from all eternity. (See D&C 93:30-31.) Of Lucifer, the scripture says that because of rebellion "he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies." (Moses 4:4.) Note that he was not created evil, but became Satan by his own choice.

When our Father in Heaven presented his plan of salvation, Jesus sustained the plan and his part in it, giving the glory to God, to whom it properly belonged. Lucifer, on the other hand, sought power, honor, and glory only for himself. (See Isa. 14:13-14; Moses 4:1-2.) When his modification of the Father’s plan was rejected, he rebelled against God and was subsequently cast out of heaven with those who had sided with him. (See Rev. 12:7-9; D&C 29:36-37.)

That brothers would make dramatically different choices is not unusual. It has happened ti
me and again, as the scriptures attest: Cain chose to serve Satan; Abel chose to serve God. (See Moses 5:16-18.) Esau "despised his birthright"; Jacob wanted to honor it. (Gen. 25:29-34.) Joseph’s brothers sought to kill him; he sought to preserve them. (Gen. 37:12-24; Gen. 45:3-11.)

It is ironic that the agency with which Lucifer rebelled is the very gift he tried to take from man. His proposal was that all be forced back into God’s presence. (See Moses 4:1, 3.) But the principle of agency is fundamental to the existence and progression of intelligent beings: as we make wise choices, we grow in light and truth. On the other hand, wrong choices—such as the one Satan made—stop progress and can even deny us blessings that we already have. (See D&C 93:30-36.)

The Following article is taken directly from the official LDS website.

Our Savior

"Chapter 3: Our Savior," Gospel Fundamentals, 9

Who is the one person who can guide us back to our Father in Heaven? Why should we follow Him?

We Needed a Leader

Our Father in Heaven knew that while we were on earth we would not remember our life with Him. We would not know the things we needed to do to return to Him. He also knew we would sin. Because of our sins, we would be punished by being separated from Him forever. And when we died, we would not have our bodies of flesh and bones anymore.

We would need someone to help us with these problems. This person would teach us what we would have to do to return to our Father in Heaven. He would help us overcome the wrong things we would do. He would also make a way for us to have our bodies of flesh and bones again after we die. This person would be called our Savior. Only He could save us from the punishment for the things we would do wrong. Only He could help us learn to be obedient to our Father in Heaven. Only He could make it possible for us to have our bodies of flesh and bones again after death.


  • What are some of the problems our Father in Heaven knew we would meet on the earth?
  • Why do we need a Savior to help us?

Our Father in Heaven Chose Jesus to Be Our Savior

Our Father in Heaven loves us, and He knew we would need help. He knew we would be very sad if we could not have bodies of flesh and bones and could not return to live with Him forever. We needed someone to help us. Our Father in Heaven wanted someone to be our Savior. Two of our brothers offered to be our Savior.

Our oldest brother, Jesus, asked our Father in Heaven to send Him. He said He would follow our Father in Heaven’s plan. He would come to the earth and teach us the things that we would need to do to return to our Father in Heaven. He would die to pay for the wrong things we did. He would also make it possible for us to live again after we die. He would allow us to choose for ourselves to obey or not to obey our Father in Heaven.

Jesus knew that it would be important for us to choose for ourselves the things we would do. If someone forced us to obey, we could not learn and become like our Father in Heaven. Jesus wanted our Father in Heaven to have all the glory and honor.

Satan, who was called Lucifer, also asked our Father in Heaven to choose him to be our Savior. He said he would come to earth and force us to do what we should do. He said that none of us would be lost. He would not allow us to choose for ourselves. As his reward, he wanted all the glory and honor our Father in Heaven had.

Because our Father in Heaven loves us, He chose Jesus to be our Savior. For this reason, Jesus is often called Jesus Christ. Christ means chosen by our Father in Heaven to be the Savior. Our Father in Heaven chose Jesus rather than Satan because our Father in Heaven did not want us to lose our right to choose for ourselves. He knew we must do good things because we want to, not because someone forces us to.


  • What did Jesus want to do for us?
  • What did Satan want to do?
  • Why did our Father in Heaven choose Jesus to be our Savior?

Jesus Is Our Savior and Leader

When our Father in Heaven chose Jesus, Satan became very angry. He persuaded one-third of the spirits in heaven to follow him. Together they fought against Jesus and His followers. They wanted to force our Father in Heaven to accept Satan’s plan. Our Father in Heaven made Satan and his followers leave heaven.

Satan and his followers will not receive bodies of flesh and bones. They will not be able to return and live with our Father in Heaven. Only those who accepted Jesus to be their Savior can have bodies of flesh and bones.

We know, because we have bodies of flesh and bones, that we accepted Jesus to be our Savior. We chose the right things in heaven. We should continue to choose the right things here on earth. We should follow Jesus. Only He can teach us how to return to our Father in Heaven. He can help us overcome the wrong things we do and help us learn to do good things until we become like our Father in Heaven.

Our Father in Heaven wants us to follow and obey Jesus. He knows that Jesus will always teach us our Father’s way of doing things, so when we obey Jesus we are also obeying our Father in Heaven. A commandment or message from Jesus is a commandment or message from our Father in Heaven also.


  • How do we know that we chose Jesus to be our Savior?
  • Who is the only person who can show us how to return to our Father in Heaven?
  • Why should we follow Jesus?


We Needed a Leader

  • John 14:6 (Jesus is the one we must follow in order to return to our Father in Heaven.)
  • 1 Peter 2:21 (We must follow in Jesus Christ’s steps.)
  • 2 Nephi 31:13, 16 (If we follow the Savior’s example, we will be saved.)

Our Father in Heaven Chose Jesus to Be Our Savior

Jesus Is Our Savior and Leader

Another Page on the LDS website states:

A Savior and Leader Was Needed

When the plan for our salvation was presented to us in the spirit world, we were so happy that we shouted for joy (see Job 38:7).

We understood that we would have to leave our heavenly home for a time. We would not live in the presence of our heavenly parents. While we were away from them, all of us would sin and some of us would lose our way. Our Heavenly Father knew and loved each one of us. He knew we would need help, so he planned a way to help us.

We needed a Savior to pay for our sins and teach us how to return to our Heavenly Father. Our Father said, "Whom shall I send?" (Abraham 3:27). Two of our brothers offered to help. Our oldest brother, Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, said, "Here am I, send me" (Abraham 3:27).

Jesus was willing to come to the earth, give his life for us, and take upon himself our sins. He, like our Heavenly Father, wanted us to choose whether we would obey Heavenly Father’s commandments. He knew we must be free to choose in order to prove ourselves worthy of exaltation. Jesus said, "Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever" (Moses 4:2).

Satan, who was called Lucifer, also came, saying, "Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor" (Moses 4:1). Satan wanted to force us all to do his will. Under his plan, we would not be allowed to choose. He would take away the freedom of choice that our Father had given us. Satan wanted to have all the honor for our salvation.


  • Who is our leader and Savior?
  • Who besides Jesus wanted to be our leader?

Jesus Christ Became Our Chosen Leader and Savior

After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, "I will send the first" (Abraham 3:27).

Jesus Christ was chosen and ordained to be our Savior. Many scriptures tell about this. One scripture tells us that long before Jesus was born, he appeared to the brother of Jared, a Book of Mormon prophet, and said: "Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. . . . In me shall all mankind have life, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name" (Ether 3:14).

When Jesus lived on earth, he taught: "I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. . . . And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:38, 40).


  • Ask each person to tell something about Jesus.

The War in Heaven

Because our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior, Satan became angry and rebelled. There was war in heaven. Satan and his followers fought against Jesus and his followers.

In this great rebellion, Satan and all the spirits who followed him were sent away from the presence of God and cast down from heaven. One-third of the spirits in heaven were punished for following Satan: they were denied the right to receive mortal bodies.

Because we are here on earth and have mortal bodies, we know that we chose to follow Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Satan and his followers are also on the earth, but as spirits. They have not forgotten who we are, and they are around us daily, tempting us and enticing us to do things that are not pleasing to our Heavenly Father. In our premortal life, we chose the right. We must continue to choose the right here on earth. Only by following Jesus can we return to our heavenly home.

© 2010, Matt. All rights reserved.
