Calvinists Interpreting Church History

In a previous post I suggested that when it comes to interpreting non-Calvinistic Church history or representing Arminian or non-Calvinistic theology, many Calvinists cannot be trusted. We find very few academic exceptions (and this can also be admitted of some...

Sin & God’s Sovereignty

Here are some edited comments, short but sweet, from a member of our private discussion group: The following quote is by RC Sproul, SR. “Every sin is an act of cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereign authority.” No matter how long...

The Secret to Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

 “Humble yourselves.” That’s the secret. It has been there all along, but we rarely use it. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. (1...

Christian Living in the Home

Christians will find this volume full of practical, biblical advice on Christ-centered family living, communicating with family members, family guidance and discipline, living with an unbelieving spouse, and many other areas. Pastors, counselors, and study groups will...

Letting Go of Pain

It sounds strange – let go of pain. Who would want to hold on to it? But we are complicated people. Sometimes pain grabs us and it won’t let go; sometimes it grabs us and we grab it right back. And we have our reasons. “I am looking for a witness.” One toddler axiom...