Jesus came to save sinners. We know this. We believe this. We trust this. We see this in Luke 19:10 that the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Our seeking God came seeking us not vise versa. Romans 3:10-18 establishes that there are none that seek after God. Apart from His Spirit working in the earth, few would seek after the one true God. Instead we would make false idols to worship or we would worship creation itself (Romans 1:18-32). Jesus came to seek the lost and He came to save the lost. He went to the cross to demonstrate His love for sinners and His desire to set them free from sin (Matthew 26:28). In Christ Jesus, God established a new covenant that cleanses us from sin (Hebrews 8:8-12; 9:14; 1 John 2:2).
In Christ Jesus we have the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 10:43; 13:38-39; Ephesians 1:7). In Christ Jesus we are dead to sin and alive to God having been baptized into Christ and raised with Him in His resurrection (Romans 6:1-4, 11). In Christ Jesus we now have the power of the Holy Spirit abiding within us to help us be overcomes through faith in Him (Galatians 3:14; 5:16-17).
Yet also in this great salvation is the power of God to deliver us from sin. You see not only are we able to be forgiven of our sins through Jesus (1 John 1:9) but we are also able to overcome sin through Jesus. I grant you that apart from the Spirit of God, none of us can overcome sin but the Bible promises us that we can be delivered from sin’s power. Notice passages such as Romans 6:14. Notice that Paul says clearly that sin will not have dominion over us. We are free in Jesus from sin’s power. Romans 8:9-11 assures us that the Spirit of God in us is able to help us be free from sin’s power. The clutches of sin fall off when we run to the Lord for help. Sin is no power against a mighty Savior who died for our sins and is able to release us from the power and destruction of sin.
Is your God so small then that He can’t deliver you from sin? If you believe that God created the world in six days, that He gave Abram a promise and that He fulfilled that promise in Isaac, that He took His people out of Egypt by a strong hand, that He parted the Red Sea so that millions of Israelites could cross to safety while Pharaoh’s army perished in the sea, that He gave His children manna to eat in the wilderness, that He brought down the walls of Jericho by a shout from the Israelites, that He sent His Son to suffer and die and rise again, that He performs mighty miracles even to this day? If you believe all this, can you not believe that He is able to not just save you from your sins in the past but He is able this day to completely deliver you from sin’s power?
You don’t have to struggle in your flesh against sin. Run to Jesus. Run to Him and make Him the one who fights your battles for you. You can’t overcome sin. You must run to Jesus Christ and call upon Him to deliver you and He will. He is able. He is mighty to deliver. The very name of Jesus means “the Lord saves.” That is just what God does in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life to save us and deliver us from sin.
© 2011, Matt. All rights reserved.