Biblical Counseling’s “Dirty” Words

Biblical counseling has a history of being picky about words. Sometimes it sounded as if we had our own version of George Carlin’s dirty word list. For example, off limits were terms like: self-esteem, needs, psychological, or any psychiatric diagnosis unless you were...

Good People Who Do Bad Things

Do your theological nerves cringe when you hear that? After all, we are born in sin, and is anyone really good? I have a two-year old grandson and he is the sweetest bad boy ever – a near-perfect child who can be bad to the bone, an adorable disobedient toddler, just...

Winning the War Within

Our regular readers have noticed by now that we have added a column on the left side of this page where we are promoting various books that Dr. Adams has written over the years. I want to urge you to take special notice of the volume we have posted this week. While it...

Practicing Forgiveness: A Sermon by Tim Lane

Listen to a sermon from Matthew 18:21-35 given by CCEF Executive Director Tim Lane at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, Montana.  Click here to listen to the sermon, or right-click on that link to download it to your computer. Our thanks to pastor Bryan Hughes for...

Winning the War Within

A Biblical Strategy for Biblical Warfare Christian, you are at war! It is the battle at two levels-one outward, the other inward-that is our responsibility as members of the church. This book explains how you can begin to consistently win the battles within. Order...