Those who oppose inerrancy argue that the Bible is true theologically. That is that what it reveals about Jesus Christ is true and we can trust it. What the Bible says about salvation, for example, is said to be true. However, when it comes to being...
Biblical counseling has a history of being picky about words. Sometimes it sounded as if we had our own version of George Carlin’s dirty word list. For example, off limits were terms like: self-esteem, needs, psychological, or any psychiatric diagnosis unless you were...
That the Doctrine of Election is taught in Scripture is uncontested: “just as He chose [elected] us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him” (Eph. 1:4 NASB). Only in union with Christ Jesus is anyone...
In Romans 3:10-18 we see the depravity of humanity clearly as in other passages of Scripture. Many in our day desire to debate the depravity of mankind but the reality of our depravity is both biblically based and experientially based. We know through the...
People in the United States and the Western nations in general are celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden. I’m not sure what to make of it. I am a disciple of Jesus who happens to live in the United States but I in no way am an American first....
I have been re-reading John MacArthur’s book, Ashamed of the Gospel, for the third time. This book is by far one of his best books and it strikes hard at the modern church in the United States. In fact, MacArthur’s book would just about ruin...