History of Jihad Against The Croats and Slovenes (1389-1699)

The relatively unknown story of how the Croats and Slovenes paid with their blood, to stem the advance of the Jihad into Europe. ______________________________ According to al-Bukhari [d. 869] an early Muslim jurist; "In the Muslim community, the holy war is a...

History of Jihad Against The Romanians (1402-1843)

How the Romanians put up a formidable against the Ottoman Turks in the rear and slowed down their advance towards Constantinople. ______________________________________ According to al-Bukhari [d. 869] an early Muslim jurist; "In the Muslim community, the holy...

History of Jihad Against the Bulgarians (1393-1877)

How the Bulgars fought fiercely against the Ottoman Turks and kept on a resistance in the Turkish rear to slow down their invasion of Austria. ______________________________________________ According to al-Bukhari [d. 869] an early Muslim jurist; "In the Muslim...

History of Jihad Against The Pre-Islamic Albanians (1332-1920)

How the Christian Albanians struggled against the Jihad to be overwhelmed by Islam and get submerged into the Dar-ul-Islam. ______________________________________________ The jihad is an institution, and not an event, that is to say it is a part of the normal...

History of Jihad Against the Mongols (1050-1258)

The relatively unknown story of how the Jihadis tormented the Mongols and Turks leading to a fierce and vicious counter-attack by the Mongols on Islamdom from 1200 to 1258. An attack that was fiercer than the Crusades and which nearly wiped out Islam....