Signs and Miracles in John

Introduction The Bible has many different examples of Jesus performing miracles and signs. This paper will look at eight specific instances where Jesus performed a sign or miracle. The surrounding events and circumstances will be explored and how these signs and...

Charismatic Gifts: Are They Still Present Today?

The discussion regarding whether the Charismatic “sign” gifts are still present today is a topic which reaches to the very core of our emotions, both for those who believe the gifts are evident today, and also for those who do not. While reading through...

The Holy Spirit is the Principal Person

Jesus Christ now dwells invisibly in His church in the person of the Holy Spirit. Before leaving His disciples, Jesus assured them that the Father would send them “another Counselor … the Spirit of truth.”1 The Greek word that is translated “another” is a specific...

The Holy Spirit and Counseling

Counseling Is the Work of the Spirit Counseling is the work of the Holy Spirit. Effective counseling cannot be done apart from him. He is called the paraclete1 (“counselor”) who in Christ’s place came to be another counselor2 of the same sort that Christ had been...

The Work of the Spirit and Biblical Counseling

A recent book titled I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional, by Wendy Kaminer, debunks much of the mystique of modern psychology.1 The author does not purport to be a Christian. In fact, she describes herself as “a skeptical, secular humanist, Jewish, feminist,...