Arminianism is God-Centered Theology

Article by Roger E. Olson Below is a rather lengthy essay I have written. I welcome you to pass it around. It is not copyrighted, but please keep my name and blog address attached to it when you send or post it Arminianism is God-Centered Theology One of the most...

Can God Really Love Those He Does Not Save?

[This article is from John MacArthur’s book "The God Who Loves." John MacArthur is a moderate Calvinist, and while I disagree with some of what he teaches here, he does point out the problems those have that deny God loves those He does not save]...

Does God Love the Whole World?

[This article is take from John MacArthurs book "The God Who Loves." Calvinists differ amongst themselves as to the extent of God’s Love.  John MacArthur is a Calvinist, but he does not take the extreme view of some Calvinists who teach that God...

The Openness Of God: A Critical Assessment

Over the last decade, careful readers of Christianity Today will have detected a major paradigm shift occurring within evangelical theology which is now leading to its potential breaking point. First it was a megashift in our language about God, sin, and salvation,...