This is a test. This is only a test. This is only a test about English. If this were an emergency, or a test about any other language, you would be notified. Please read the following paragraph:

My wife’s name is Elena. In 2000 Elena was bitten by a deer tick. Elena developed a rash on her arm unique to Lyme Disease. Blood tests would later show that Elena got four diseases from that single tick bite. Elena has been suffering from these diseases for years. Elena is no longer able to drive. Elena’s cognitive functions are impaired. Elena has a lot of pain. Elena feels tired all the time. Elena takes a lot of different medicines. So far, nothing has made Elena better but we still hope that Elena’s condition will improve someday. As Elena’s husband, it is difficult for me to watch Elena unable to live with so much pain and other physical and mental issues.

As far as I know, each of the sentences I just wrote is grammatical in English. But most compositions can be improved. What suggestions would you offer so that my paragraph would sound better to you?

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