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About The Author and TribulationSurvival.com

Thank you for visiting our website.

We hope you will enjoy learning more about the tribulation, prophecy, and especially gain some ideas on how to survive – whether that means as a Christian surviving during the Great Tribulation, natural disasters, Terrorism, or a multitude of other events we should be prepared for.

As the author of most of the articles at tribulationsurvival.com I thought I would share a little about myself with you.

First, my name is Matthew. I live in a very rural area of  America’s heartland. Prior to this I grew up in Ohio and several other states.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to know what you can trust and believe on the internet. There are many authors who really have no biblical foundation for what they are teaching.  Here are the degrees I have completed so far in my life:

  • 1993 – B.A. – Major in Bible and a minor in Systematic Theology from Southeastern College in Lakeland Florida.
  • 1995 – M.A. Counseling – Both the Licensed Professional Counseling and the Marriage & Family counseling tracks at The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO.
  • 2001 – M.DIV.- Pastoral and Biblical Studies – The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary  in Springfield, MO.
  • 2005 – M.S. – Information Technology – Capella University – Minnesota.
  • 2010 – S.T.M. – a Sacred Masters of Theology – Biblical Studies (a post-M.Div level degree similar to a Th.M except I took extra classes instead of a Thesis) – Liberty University – Lynchburg, V.A.

I have been studying theology for more than two decades now. I have always had an interest in prophecy and the end-times. I have gone through several stages in my thinking about prophetic events over the years:

  • The first few years I was a Christian I believed in the Pre-Tribulational rapture (that Christians would be raptured prior to the world entering a 7 year tribulation period.
  • In 1993 (or early 1994) I read a book  ‘The Prewrath Rapture of the Church’ on the Prewrath Rapture by Marvin Rosenthal (and soon there after ‘The Sign’ by Robert Van Kampen . From 1993 till 2008 I firmly believed that the Church (Christians) would be raptured after the great tribulation, but before God’s wrath was poured out (at the end of the 7th seal).
  • From 2008 till the present I have slowly been  moving from a belief in the Prewrath Rapture to believing in the Post-Tribulational Rapture.  I have discovered that those who hold to the prewrath rapture use most of the same Bible verses and arguments as do those who believe in a posttribulational rapture.  While these two positions may disagree on some issues, they both agree that the Church of Christ (all of us believers) will go through the Great Tribulation.

In 2007 I believe God began to open my eyes to how fragile our society is.  There are so many things that could happen to our society that could potentially cause chaos or collapse. Many of the events that could collapse our society include foreign terrorism (such as an EMP attack that destroys the electrical infrastructure of our nation), Solar Storms (which could potentially cause an EMP type effect), economic collapse (and the resulting chaos when folks who expect the government to do everything for them riot), natural disasters, and many other things. 

You have probably discovered that there are dozens of really good websites on the internet that can help you to become better prepared for surviving disasters or the economic collapse of our nation. Most of these though never discuss the Biblical issues that a Christian must deal with during a survival situation (such as the possibility you may have to use physical force to protect your family and possibly kill an attacker). TribulationSurvival.com will be discussing these issues, as well ideas and issues that will be important if the tribulation and the Anti-Christ were to appear during out life times.

I know that some of you reading this website may disagree with me on the timing of the rapture. I hope that the information I provide is informative for you and I will sincerely try not to be offensive.  I sincerely hope that I am wrong… I would very much like to be raptured before the Tribulation begins. If I am wrong, I will be raptured with you (and I would be happy to be wrong!).  If I a right though, I believe a large segment of the American Church will enter the tribulation unprepared for the persecution that will come. Many may turn away from God and be unprepared mentally and situationally for the appearance of the Anti-Christ.

I hope that some of the articles on this website will help you to become better prepared for whatever may happen in your life. I also pray that you will develop a stronger and more intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. May God Bless you as you prepare and learn.
