Bob Lepine at National Conference: Six Things Married Couples Should Know from Ephesians 5 | blepineBob Lepine is known to Christian radio listeners across the country as the co-host of the popular daily radio program, FamilyLife Today® with Dennis Rainey*. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Christian Husband and Helping Your Children Know God. He speaks on marriage and family at conferences and events worldwide.

Six Things Every Married Couple Should Know from Ephesians 5

  1. They are dead to the world and alive in Christ.

  2. It is critical to guard sexual purity in marriage.

  3. Guard against covetousness (wanting satisfaction that marriage is meant to give in things outside marriage)

  4. Sexual messages from the world are empty.

  5. Mortify the flesh, don’t manage it.

  6. Christians should never shy away from wholesome sexual talk in marriage.

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