Our regular readers have noticed by now that we have added a column on the left side of this page where we are promoting various books that Dr. Adams has written over the years. I want to urge you to take special notice of the volume we have posted this week. While it was first published in 1989 it speaks to issues that have become widely misunderstood and erroneously taught in biblical counseling circles in recent days. There are some who claim that the church “forgets things” and we are to be grateful for those teachers who “rediscover” and promote “new important truths.” When you hear such things your antennae should go up and you should take a defensive stance.
In this book Jay examines the great old doctrine of sanctification as taught in the New Testament and clearly explained over the years by men like J. C. Ryle and Horatious Bonar. It is the foundational doctrine of all that transpires in the counseling room and the biblical counselor must not be confused by the current crop of teachers who would confuse and conflate justification with sanctification.
Invest in this book. Read it, understand it, and use it.
© 2011, Matt. All rights reserved.