James Arminius’ Writings on Predestination

The follow statements are James Arminius own writing on Predestination: The first and most important article in religion on which I have to offer my views, and which for many years past has engaged my attention, is the Predestination of God, that is, the Election of...

Foreknowledge and Predestination – A Calvinist Viewpoint

THE VAST majority of Christians who reject the Reformed view of predestination adopt what is sometimes called the prescient or foreknowledge (pre-science, prior knowledge) view of predestination. Briefly stated, this view teaches that from all eternity God knew how we...

Foreknowledge and Predestination: A Calvinist Viewpoint

Article by: R.C. Sproul [This article contains arguments that we may disagree with, but we wanted to provide an unbiased Calvinist argument on Foreknowledge and Predestination.] THE VAST majority of Christians who reject the Reformed view of predestination adopt what...

Predestination and Free Will – A Calvinist Viewpoint

PREDESTINATION seems to cast a shadow on the very heart of human freedom. If God has decided our destinies from all eternity, that strongly suggests that our free choices are but charades, empty exercises in predetermined playacting. It is as though God wrote the...