The Work of the Spirit and Biblical Counseling

A recent book titled I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional, by Wendy Kaminer, debunks much of the mystique of modern psychology.1 The author does not purport to be a Christian. In fact, she describes herself as “a skeptical, secular humanist, Jewish, feminist,...

Counseling and the Sinfulness of Humanity

John MacArthur, Jr. No concept is more important to the gurus of modern psychology than self-esteem. According to the self-esteem credo, there are no bad people—only people who think badly of themselves.1 For years, educational experts, psychologists, and a growing...

A Biblical Theory of Psychology

The Meaning of Psychology The term psychology is ordinarily defined as the science which examines the mind, mental states and processes, human nature, and behavior. The word comes from a combination of the Greek word psuché or psyché (which originally meant “the...

Is Psychology Needed in the Church?

Article by Ed Bulkley There is growing confusion in today’s Christian community about the best way to help people overcome their personal problems of living. Some believe that Christians should submit only to biblical counseling, while others passionately support...

Larry Crabb’s Theory of Biblical Counseling

Dr. Larry Crabb has a unique approach to counseling. His system of counseling, called Biblical counseling, will be explained in great detail. Dr. Crabb’s first book, Basic Principles of Biblical Counseling, was published in 1975. The basic parts and theories of...